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Field Description
Enabled Specifies whether Easy Purchasing is enabled. If Easy Purchasing is disabled, then this will result in an error when Easy Purchasing features are used.

Safety Stock for main location

With this feature you can set up the location for which you want to include the safety stock when calculating the plan. This will prevent calculating the safety stock for each location.

Main Location

Specifies the main location.

Calculate Safety Stock only for Main Location

Specifies that safety stock is only calculated for the main location.

Starting and Ending Dates

If you want to use different starting and ending dates for you supply and demand calculations you can set up the following fields.


The Ignore date fields are only available when Use different Starting Date and Ending date for Supply and Demand calculation is set to TRUE

Use different Starting Date and Ending date for Supply and Demand calculation

Specifies if a different starting date and ending date are used for supply and demand calculation.

Ignore Starting & Ending Dates

When you set the option to ignore a Starting or Ending Date, the date filter for the field will be set to unlimited when calculating the supply or demand. The ignored field will also be disabled in the request form Calculate Plan (Easy Purchasing)

Set Ignore Starting Date for Supply Calculation to TRUE

Effect on Calculate Plan: Sets Ending Date Supply to 31-12-2024 will calculate all the supply until date 31-12-2024.

set Ignore Ending Date for Demand Calculation to TRUE

Effect on Calculate Plan: Sets Starting Date Demand to 1-1-2024 will calculate all the demand from 1-1-2024.

Field Description
Ignore Starting Date for Supply calculation Specifies if starting date for supply calculation is ignored.
Ignore Ending Date for Supply calculation Specifies if ending date for supply calculation is ignored.
Ignore Starting Date for Demand calculation Specifies if starting date for demand calculation is ignored.
Ignore Ending Date for Demand calculation Specifies if ending date for demand calculation is ignored.

Last update: August 13, 2024